Resident Evil 0 Randomizer

Experience the Thrill of a New Resident Evil 0 Adventure

After watching the Resident Evil HD Randomizer Show, I eagerly anticipated a randomizer for the sequel. To my surprise, there wasn’t one available, so I took matters into my own hands.

It proved to be more challenging than I initially thought - not due to item replacement complexity, but rather the numerous special cases needed to prevent game crashes or “soft-locks.” Consequently, I mapped the entire game world and built a dependency map, ensuring a playthrough is possible, no matter the seed you choose.

Stay tuned for blog posts detailing the development process, so make sure to check out the blog!

Getting started with the RE0 Randomizer is simple. Create a configuration file, place it in your working directory (which also stores your randomizer save files), and launch the Re0Randomizer.exe. Load the config, start RE0, and enable randomization in Re0Randomizer.exe. The configuration is a "user-friendly" JSON file, allowing you to easily modify randomization data.

The Resident Evil 0 Randomizer is Perfect For:

  • Streamers, seeking to captivate their audience with a unique gaming experience in the Resident Evil universe

  • Resident Evil fans who crave a fresh and unpredictable playthrough of their favorite game.

  • Randomizer aficionados who love the thrill and excitement of exploring a reimagined game world.

  • Speedrunners looking for new challenges and ways to test their skills in Resident Evil 0.

  • Gamers who enjoy replaying classic titles with a twist, keeping the experience exciting and engaging.

Download Resident Evil 0 Randomizer